Friday, May 16, 2008

traveling though Israel

Today we where all over Israel seeing all kinds of biblical sight. Are first stop was out in the wilderness where Jesus spent 40 days fasting before starting his ministry. there where little bedouin kids "travelers" who are really good about taking thing out of you pockets!!" we also went to Jericho where water flood freely from spring, there was a wall that was dated back to 9000 B.C. that old. we also saw the tree that Zacki climb to see Jesus. Here are some Bible verses that we cover on are trip today Duet, 8:3; Matthew 3; Luke. 19:10; Hebrews 11; John 4:11; 1 kings 3, Josh. 10:9

1 comment:

Eladio Osorio Montenegro said...

Hello from Spain.
Very good the blog
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